iPhone 7 mobile GPS poor reception repair

iPhone7 mobile phone GPS poor reception, replace Baseband power failure perfectly repaired.

iPhone 7 mobile GPS poor reception repair

Machine model: iPhone 7

Trouble phenomenon: mobile phone gps poor reception

Repair process: First of all, think of the GPS filter problem, and directly disassemble it and replace it.

iPhone 7 mobile GPS poor reception repair

iPhone 7 mobile GPS poor reception repair Figure 1.

iPhone 7 mobile GPS poor reception repair

iPhone 7 mobile GPS poor reception repair Figure 2.

In the installation test, the GPS signal of the mobile phone is still weak, and the no serviecs is still skipped. Is there a problem with the RF? It was disassembled and replaced with RF. The fault persisted. It jumped between no serviecs and the signal. GPS no serviecs did not get any better. I took out the Fluke poor reception and measured it around the GPS filter and found the problem.

iPhone 7 mobile GPS poor reception repair

iPhone 7 mobile GPS poor reception repair Figure 3.

There is no 1.8V VCC on the L6200 Inductor. Seeing that the GLNA_RF chip has VCC, I thought that it should have the function of signal amplification. If there is no VCC, the signal must be weak. Find this 1.8 VCC is from the VCC power supply, replace the VCC power supply,no serviecs and GPS poor reception are solved at the same time, and the maintenance is over.


iPhone 7 mobile GPS poor reception repair Figure 4.