SAMSUNG Galaxy S21 can’t be turned on and charged

SAMSUNG Galaxy S21 can't be turned on and cannot be charged. After charging the battery, the mobile phone can be turned on. However, when the battery is charged to 60%, the current will be very small or even zero. After the battery is replaced, the fault will be repaired.

SAMSUNG Galaxy S21 can’t be turned on and charged

Machine model: SAMSUNG Galaxy S21

Fault phenomenon: SAMSUNG Galaxy S21 can not be started and cannot be charged

Repair process: press the power on button after getting the phone, and the phone can’t be turned on. When the battery 0V is out of power, use the repair power supply to charge and activate the battery. After the battery is activated, the mobile phone can be turned on.

SAMSUNG Galaxy S21 can't be turned on and charged

SAMSUNG Galaxy S21 can’t be turned on and charged Figure 1.

Plug lighting cable into the charger to charge the mobile phone. It is found that when the battery is charged to 60%, the current will become very small or even zero. Try to replace a charging connector FPC, and the fault still remains.The battery can be replaced after charging to 100%.

SAMSUNG Galaxy S21 can't be turned on and charged

SAMSUNG Galaxy S21 can’t be turned on and charged Figure 2.