iPhone XR no booting fault maintenance

iPhone XR suddenly used no display, and the mobile phone turned on no booting. After detection, Capacitor was found to be broken, and the fault was repaired after replacement. 

iPhone XR  no booting fault maintenance

Machine model: iPhone XR

Malfunction: no display suddenly turns on no booting when in use. 

Maintenance process: 

iPhone XR  turns on no booting, and the customer says to play in bed. mobile phoneSuddenly no display high temperature no booting. 
1. The number of removed batteries BTB connector 1300 is normal, and the power leakage is 500mA. The main board high temperature. 
2. Remove the motherboard, remove the front and rear covers, the u3100 IC high temperature on the edge of Colophony (Solder)CPU. After reading the drawing VDD boost Short circuit, put Colophony (Solder)on all places where Short circuit is connected, and hang Capacitor at the back. The single-layer motherboard is easy to maintain. 
iPhone XR mobile phone no booting fault maintenanceiPhone XR  no booting fault maintenance Figure 1. 

iPhone XR no booting fault maintenanceiPhone XR  no booting fault maintenance Figure 2. 

iPhone XR no booting fault maintenanceiPhone XR no booting fault maintenance Figure 3. 

418;IMG_259iPhone XR no booting fault maintenance Figure 4.