Xiaomi 11 can’t turn on the machine

Xiaomi 11 can't start the machine, which is caused by the common fault of virtual welding of CPU. Remove the temporary storage and CPU, plant tin and then weld it back to the motherboard, and repair the fault.

Xiaomi 11 can’t turn on the machine

Machine model: Xiaomi 11

Fault phenomenon: Xiaomi 11 can’t turn on the machine.

Maintenance process: Press the power-on button after you get the phone, but the phone won’t turn on. The startup current of the repair power line is set at about 180mA, indicating that the CPU is not working normally.

Xiaomi 11 can't turn on the machine

Xiaomi 11 can’t turn on the machine Figure 1.

Considering that Xiaomi 11 has the common problem of virtual welding of CPU, virtual welding of CPU will lead to the failure that the mobile phone can’t be turned on. It is speculated that this machine is also virtual welding of CPU. Then disassemble the machine and take out the motherboard, remove the temporary storage and CPU, replant the tin, and weld the CPU and temporary storage back to the motherboard.

Xiaomi 11 can't turn on the machine

Xiaomi 11 can’t turn on the machine Figure 2.

Put the motherboard back inside the phone, and turn it on again for testing. Xiaomi 11 can be turned on and enter the system, and other functions tested are normal. The fault is perfectly repaired, and the maintenance is over.

Xiaomi 11 can't turn on the machine

Xiaomi 11 can’t turn on the machine Figure 3.