Quick maintenance of HP zhan66 plug-in power supply and black screen shutdown

Quick maintenance of HP zhan66 plug-in power supply and black screen shutdown

The single battery of HP 66 PRO14 G2 works normally, the power supply is turned off with a black screen, the single power adapter is turned on without display, and the power supply of the measuring CPU is not out. Plate number: DA0X8JMB8E0.

HP zhan66 插电源黑屏关机通病快速维修

This machine forum and online have not been found yet.blueprintReferring to the rescuer’s fault of the same type, the resistance value of the voltage divider is abnormal when the line is locked and the CPU is powered on. The voltage of a single battery is 1.2V, and it is about 1.8V when it is plugged in. After replacing a set of resistors, the voltage is 1.2V when plugged in, and the machine returns to normal. In order to facilitate the quick maintenance of this fault, we hereby mark it. Of course, this fault has ruled out other power supply problems.

HP zhan66 插电源黑屏关机通病快速维修

HP zhan66 插电源黑屏关机通病快速维修