iPhone 8 Plus phone can’t be charged troubleshooting

The iPhone 8 Plus phone cannot be charged. It is found to be pp3v0_ It is caused by the short circuit of S2 power supply to the ground, and the fault shall be repaired after replacement.

iPhone 8 Plus phone can’t be charged troubleshooting

Machine model: iPhone 8 Plus
Malfunction: The mobile phone can’t be charged, charging is not displayed when it is turned on, and charging is slow when it is turned off.

iPhone 8 Plus phone can't be charged troubleshooting

iPhone 8 Plus phone can’t be charged troubleshooting Figure 1.

Maintenance process: disassemble the machine, connect DC power supply switch and take off 222 mA.

iPhone 8 Plus phone can't be charged troubleshooting

iPhone 8 Plus phone can’t be charged troubleshooting Figure 2.

Take down the motherboard, and the measurement shows that it is PP3V0_S2 VCC shorted to ground.

iPhone 8 Plus phone can't be charged troubleshooting

iPhone 8 Plus phone can’t be charged troubleshooting Figure 3.

According to the detection, it is found that it is caused by C6751_EF Capacitor shorted to ground on the PP3V0_S2 VCC line.


iPhone 8 Plus phone can’t be charged troubleshooting Figure 4.


iPhone 8 Plus phone can’t be charged troubleshooting Figure 5.

Tweezers are directly removed, and the ground diode value returns to normal.


iPhone 8 Plus phone can’t be charged troubleshooting Figure 6.


iPhone 8 Plus phone can’t be charged troubleshooting Figure 7.

Installation test, charging returns to normal, function is normal, and maintenance is over.

The fault is that the USB chip of mobile phone doesn’t work due to PP3V0_S2 VCC shorted to ground.


iPhone 8 Plus phone can’t be charged troubleshooting Figure 8.