Huawei Mate30 Pro Mobile high temperature repair

Huawei Mate30 Pro mobile phone high temperature, after removing the fault Capacitor, repair it.

Huawei Mate30 Pro Mobile high temperature repair

Machine model: Huawei Mate30 pro
Malfunction:high temperature is turned on.
Maintenance failure:
The customer received a Huawei Mate30 pro. The fault is that high temperature is turned on, and switch takes off at 500 mA. The mobile phone can be turned on normally, but short-circuit current exists on the motherboard after high temperature is turned on. Find the approximate location of high temperature, smoke high temperature,switch and high temperature on Colophony (Solder).

Huawei Mate30 Pro Mobile high temperature repair

Huawei Mate30 Pro Mobile high temperature repair Figure 1.