HUAWEI Mate 9 can’t be turned on

HUAWEI Mate 9 can't be turned on, redo the CPU, fix the fault, and the mobile phone can start normally.

HUAWEI Mate 9 can’t be turned on.

Machine model: HUAWEI Mate 9

Malfunction: HUAWEI Mate 9 can’t start the machine.

Maintenance process: get the phone, press the power-on button to start the test, the phone doesn’t respond, and it can’t be turned on.

HUAWEI Mate 9 can't be turned on

HUAWEI Mate 9 can’t be turned on Figure 1.

Open the mobile phone, connect the power cord of the repair machine to start the test, and the current jumps to about 180mA before stopping. This kind of fault is usually caused by CPU virtual welding. Then take out the motherboard, remove the CPU, and solder the CPU again.

HUAWEI Mate 9 can't be turned on

HUAWEI Mate 9 can’t be turned on Figure 2.

HUAWEI Mate 9 can't be turned on

HUAWEI Mate 9 can’t be turned on Figure 3.

After that, put the motherboard back into the mobile phone, press the power-on button to start the test, and the mobile phone can be turned on and displayed, and the fault is solved perfectly.


HUAWEI Mate 9 can’t be turned on Figure 4.