Acer 4736ZG notebook not booting repair

Acer 4736ZG notebook not booting, after replacing NEC Capacitor, the fault was repaired.

Acer 4736ZG notebook not booting repair

Machine model: Acer 4736ZG

Fault phenomenon: notebook no booting

Maintenance process: when DC power supply is turned on to 0.259a, it doesn’t move. I usually look at the current more often. When I see this general feeling, it should be that there is no problem with each VCC, and the CPU VCC starts to come out.

Acer 4736ZG notebook not booting repair

Acer 4736ZG notebook not booting repair Figure 1.

Directly find a CPU test, the original machine is T4400, I have a T5750, the test can start, but auto power off, the current runs power off ast, when the bxt01 CPU was replaced by the bxt01 CPU, it would be very unstable to replace it with a bxtd CPU.

I think the machine should be CPU broken, set an original CPU back should be OK!But the reality is that after the CPU is fixed, the problem is still the same. After consulting the seller to confirm that the test has been delivered, I got tangled and inadvertently lowered my head and saw something.

Acer 4736ZG notebook not booting repair

Acer 4736ZG notebook not booting repair Figure 2.

Yes, it is nec large Capacitor, such a large common failing fault point has not been found, first kill it.

Acer 4736ZG notebook not booting repair

Acer 4736ZG notebook not booting repair Figure 3.

Direct booting up, end of maintenance.


Acer 4736ZG notebook not booting repair Figure 4.